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Gibson Kerr Solicitors in Edinburgh

At Gibson Kerr Family Lawyers, we pride ourselves on offering a high level of personal service. We will always take the time to get to know your situation and your case thoroughly as well as use our legal expertise and experience to achieve the best results for you.

Get in touch if you need help with the following:

• Family Law, e.g. divorce lawyers, child law, prenuptial agreements

• Personal Law, e.g. wills, executries, power of attorney, financial & tax planning, living wills

Property law, e.g. residential & commercial property, equity release

Fixed fee packages available.

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Gibson Kerr Lawyers in Edinburgh

Gibson Kerr provide legal services in Edinburgh covering personal law, family law and business law.

We also have a Glasgow office for personal legal matters and family legal laws.

If you need a solicitor or a lawyer in Edinburgh contact us Today or visit our Gibson Kerr Legal website and social media.

Address: 6 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7TH
Telephone: 0131 202 7516

Address: 1 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 1RW
Telephone: 0141 404 0436

Email: edinburgh@gibsonkerr.co.uk

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FOLLOW US ON YOU TUBE www.youtube.com/channel/UCIgHV6mG-9Cljpnqcrf8VOg

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